
Le tecnologie 3D all’interno del contesto ospedaliero

3D technologies in hospital context

From the external "service" to the internal 3D laboratory As with all technological innovations, also in the biomedical sector 3D has had a strong impact on clinical processes in routine activities, hand in hand with the progress of 3D imaging technologies (CT, MRI, etc…).

Pianificazione chirurgica su modello anatomico mandibolare stampato 3D di un’atrofia ossea orizzontale

Surgical planning on a 3D printed mandibular anatomical model of a horizontal bone atrophy

The integration of 3D printing in the diagnostic process preparatory to planning regenerative oral surgery (GBR) represents an undoubted advantage for the specialist.

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3D printing in a trauma hospital

3D printing is seeing increasingly widespread adoption in the medical field, with numerous examples of applications that help surgeons accurately plan cosmetic surgery. Now, the potential of 3D printing is examined by hospitals to treat patients who are fighting for their lives.